About Anatolij Dobrianskij

Dobrianskyi Anatoly Mykolayovych was born August 26, 1935 in the village Kryklyvets Kryzhopilskoho area Vinnytska region in a teacher family. Father Dobrianskyi Nichola was a teacher of History and the Ukrainian language and literature, arrested in 1937, rehabilitated in 1956.
Mother Theodosia V. Dobriansky, forty years works as a teather in the villages of Vinnitsa and Chernovtsy regions, died in 1988.
In 1952, Anatoly finished Sokyryany school number 1 and entered the Faculty of the University of Chernivtsi.
In student years with J. Kurlatom, M. Weaver, S. weekdays, B. Melnychuk, N.Kashchuk et al. participated in the regional literature associations in the preparation and radioalmanahiv litstorinok, gave readings of his poems to theworkers of the city and region, wrote songs.
After graduating from University (1957), A. Dobrianskyi became head the regionalliterary association, club director of Writers in Chernivtsi, led literary studio inGarrison Officers' House.
After studying in postgraduate defended his dissertation "Ways of Worldsonetystyky and development of the sonnet in Ukrainian literature" (1975).
In 1984-1986 he wоrks as a head of the Department of Ukrainian literature.
In 1965, A. Dobrianskyi passed the certification of the USSR Ministry of Culture and received a certificate Attestation artist for the number 01914. Higher Certification Commission of the Ministry of Culture of the USSR in 1966 he was given executive specialty "Lecturer-art", which gave the right to act in concert. As the artist A. Dobrianskyi collaborated with the Chernivtsi Philharmonic, cinema "Chernivtsi".
The close ties united A. Dobriansky with the team of Music and Drama Theatre.Kobylianska, where he managed over the years, theoretical seminar, was a member of the Artistic Council.
Significant contribution to the socio-political and cultural life of Bukovina did A. Dobrianskyi as the author of several hundred Hostroproblemnyh articles, reviews, art essays published in periodicals.
Dobrianskyi participated in the activities of the Shevchenko name Organisation "Prosvita", in public and cultural events of the reunification of people for propaganda and educational work of the "Green Light Bukovina" cultural and artistic activities of the “Public House”.
Commitment to the ideals of goodness, erudition, a brilliant talent of speaker brought to Anatoly Dobrianskyj popularity and respect in Ukraine and abroad.