КБУ "Муніципальна бібліотека ім. А. Добрянського


Книгозбірня Петера Деманта

Книгозбірня Петера Деманта

Інтелектуальне життя в Чернівцях продовжується...

Інтелектуальне життя в Чернівцях продовжується...

Вечірні зустрічі в Муніципальній

Вечірні зустрічі в Муніципальній

Авторські програми

Авторські програми
NEW «Петер Демант: дивись, читай, пізнавай...» NEW «Буковина, її минуле і сучасне» Париж; Філадельфія; Детройт; Зелена Буковина, 1956.
Visiting Dobriansky

Visiting Dobriansky

On the 26th of August Chernivtsi intellectuals celebrated the birthday of Anatoliy Dobriansky. This year he would have turned 78. It’s his tenth birthday, observed without The Bukovynian Chrysostom.
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 Cultural News. Events

Cultural News. Events

 Cultural week before the Independence Day of Ukraine has expired in Chernivtsi quite nice – with the sounds of classical music, framed by paintings and art pottery. We can...
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Where are we going, or The holiday, which makes you ponder

Where are we going, or The holiday, which makes you ponder

Before the Independence Day an exhibition of books entitled «The holiday dreamed by generations» is opened in the library. The main purpose of the exhibition is to avoid various celebrations, pomp and solemnity and to enduce the reader to focus on the important issues facing the Ukrainian: who are we? where from? where are we going? what for? what is our aim? what is our spiritual guidance? who comes with us? That is why today’s presentation has got...
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Cultural News. Events

Cultural News. Events

Beads, painting, photography, postcards... All handmade. If you add to them a theatrical production based on the story by Kobylyanska and reflections on the...
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Cultural News. Events

Cultural News. Events

This week in Chernivtsi shown on the pages of local periodicals, is very rich in cultural events. Here is a number of events, the most important of which is...
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